Here we are again in a new year and the legislative session is in full swing. Besides a few Bills introduced that may marginally impact common interest communities, I have noticed that several Associations have yet to comply with significant legislation enacted in 2018.
House Bill 18-1128, the Consumer Data Privacy Law, was signed into law and became effective on September 1, 2018. In a nutshell, the law requires that all businesses, including common interest communities, that may come in contact with personal identifying information, adopt policies and procedures relating to the protection and destruction of the sensitive information. The law has mandatory requirements and obligations and imposes both civil and criminal penalties for non-compliance. If your Association does not have a policy and procedures in place addressing personal identifying information, I strongly urge that you contact your current association attorney to ensure that you come into compliance.
In case you are curious, here are a few Bills to track throughout the current legislative session:
SB20-109– Affecting the taxation and classification of short term stays
HB20-1004- Concerning Wildfire Mitigation Assistance for Landowners