Valentine’s Day Love in your Community

Valentine’s Day is often celebrated by buying flowers, chocolate and gifts for those that we love the most in our lives. It is also a time when some of us reflect and are thankful for family and friends. Not many of us take the time to thank and support those in the community association industry for what they have done. Today, I challenge all of you to support the following individuals with simple gestures:

Board Members:

  • Many board members spend countless hours, without compensation, on improving our communities. Rather than reflecting on decisions they made that you may have disagreed with, I suggest sending them a simple ‘thank you’ note or e-mail telling them how their efforts are appreciated in the community. If you are a homeowner, consider joining a committee to help assist the board and becoming more active in your community.

Community Association Managers:

  • These individuals put in countless, thankless hours in our communities ensuring that they are properly governed and managed in an, oftentimes, stressful environment. Again, sending them a simple note or e-mail thanking them for their efforts can go a long way and significantly boost morale.


  • Let’s face it, if you are a community association professional with the right group of vendors around you, they make your job a lot easier and make you look good. A small gift or thoughtful message can go a long way to solidifying a future relationship.

At the Dupont Law Firm, we wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and are appreciative that you support and follow our blog postings.

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